VPLC is located at Baramati near Pune in Maharashtra, it is easily reached by car, train, or bus. Baramati is approximately 100 kms southeast of Pune. There are various lodges and hotels of different grades and budgets available for your stay in Baramati.



The nearest airport from Baramati is located at Pune. There are various flights connecting Pune to all the major cities of India. You can take a flight to Pune and proceed to Baramati by taxi or bus.


You can also enjoy the journey to Baramati by train. The train starts from Pune railway station and arrive at Baramati via Daund as seen on the map. By train, Baramati is a 3 hour journey from Pune.


One of the best way to come to Baramati is by bus. Maharashtra State Transport provides daily bus service to Baramati and beyond. Nonstop buses are available from Pune (SwarGate Bus Depot) to Baramati and vice versa every half an hour. The first bus from Pune is at 7 am. Other buses passing via Baramati are also available. Baramati is 2 hours drive from Pune.



Once you come to Baramati you can hire a rickshaw to the campus. Rickshaws are available throughout Baramati. You can hire a special or a shared one as per you requirement.



VPLC, Vidyanagari, MIDC Resi. Zone, Baramati
Pune, Maharashtra, India – 413 133